Comments: It's customary to test things after a major update. Testing, testing, one, two, three.
Added: January 6, 2023
Submitted by Name: Sara From: another world
Comments: I love your website and noticed that even when I type https in the google search it still does the http. really frustrating for you. xo keep on posting these fabulous stories. xo you already know me.
Added: May 11, 2021
Submitted by Name: Gordon
Comments: Guess I should start this thing off, so welcome to the Mill Bastard comment page.
I'm using the PHP Guestbook app for this page.
Say whatever you want, but if you have to be offensive then address these comments only to me.
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Name: Gordon Frisbie
E-mail: Contact
It's customary to test things after a major update. Testing, testing, one, two, three.